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How We Uplift

Through our four core services, we aim to show organizations and their people that all of the answers to their most challenging issues already exist.

We aim to help you and your organization reach the transformation you’re looking for and to create innovation through inclusion. We believe that the path forward is meant to be taken together and authentically.

Our Services



Ready to make a true impact within your organizational culture?


That’s when we come in! Our consulting services help organizations gain clarity on their current position, where they envision their endpoint, and the steps they need to take to get there.


Public Experiences

Uplifting Impact is dedicated to ensuring everyone can access high-quality learning and development, so we are always hosting new ways for people to join our learning communities!


Learn a healthy, positive framework for talking about and taking action on leadership! 


Speaking Engagements

Uplifting Impacts team presents to over 100,000 people a year! They can transform your audience with action and joy filled presentations! 


Book a speaking engagement to hear from the co-founders of Uplifting Impact, Deanna Singh and Justin Ponder, as they share their insights on leadership!


Education and Training

Whether through our customized or predesigned packages, our education and training programs are designed to make a true impact.


Discover a variety of engaging certifications and trainings designed to make a true impact! 


Bridge-Building Works

At Uplifting Impact, we believe the keys to great leadership lies in:

When we embark on helping leaders our number-one priority is to make sure that our clients gain the individual confidence they need to lead  themselves and their teams towards their shared missions!


Valuing all voices

We must learn to embrace the things that make us different and not be afraid of those differences! 


Creating safe spaces

comprehensive solutions can only be achieved when people feel safe to share the necessary information


Focusing on solutions

Focusing on solutions


A customizable approach

Focusing on solutions


Working from a place of joy

we use compassion, humor, and hope when having difficult conversations

Hear it From Our Clients


Deanna’s delivery is warm and engaging and the stories and information she shared will no doubt positively inform participants’ business strategies and decisions moving forward to ultimately benefit their businesses."

NAWBO, Joyce Lee

VP of Operations


Deanna offered a remarkable Keynote to kickoff our AmeriCorps members term of service. Her genuine warmth and excitement was absolutely motivational and truly set the stage. We continue to get stories and appreciation for her amazing presentation. We are so grateful to have shared a powerfully inspiring moment of growth with such a tremendous change agent!"

AmeriCorps, Amy Porter

Event Planner


Deanna was authentic, engaging and delivered a message that was inspiring and uplifting - much needed given the major endeavors our agency currently faces."

Kathy’s House, Patty Metropulos

Executive Director and CEO


Deanna is a true storyteller who brings her energy and passion to her work and shares that with others. She helped many folks in the audience not feel compelled to make our organization more diverse and inclusive but also gave great actionable steps for all of us."

Cuna Mutual, Joe Hankey

SR. Diversity and Inclusion Manager


Working with Deanna is an empowering and refreshing experience. Her enthusiasm, her wisdom and her presence is a motivating force that will not only make you want to go out and conquer the world, but it will make you want to better the world for others. Her presentations are incredibly engaging and will create a positive ripple effect among individuals in your organization."

Quad Graphics, Catherine Wanzer

Community Relations & Inclusion Manager


Deanna was a joy to work with and a masterful presenter. She wove together professional expertise, personal stories, and implementable advice to deliver a keynote that was both engaging on a human level and informative on a practical level."

Opploans, Sara Cunningham

Onboarding Lead

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We blend the historical, theoretical, and practical,

so organizations can understand where current issues came from, how they persist, and how we can progress.

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